Tuesday, April 27, 2010

RED WINE - To Your Health

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The health benefits of red wine have long been comfort (and sometimes justifcation) to those who enjoy an occasional glass or two. But the news is even better.

New research has shown that women who drink moderately gain less weight than those who consume soft drinks - and those who drank red wine put on the least weight. The findings by Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston suggest that drinkers turn the calories into heat, not fat.

BENEFITS OF RED WINE: Said to fight cancer, raises good cholesterol, boosts brain power, helps insomnia and protects against hearing and tooth decay.

The health benefits of red wine are attributed to resveratrol, a plant chemical in the skins and seeds of grapes. Salicylate, an antioxidant in red wine, can help to prevent deafness by protecting the tiny hairs in the inner ear that are vital for hearing.

It can also sharpen your wits, says Dr Clinton Wright, professor of neurology at Columbia University, New York, who found moderate red wine drinkers score higher in mental agility tests than teetotallers. A team of U.S. researchers discovered that chemicals in the seeds and skins of grapes blocked the ability of corrosive bacteria to bind with tooth enamel, protecting teeth from decay.

Red wine can also help insomnia, according to the University of Milan. Grape skins contain melatonin, a hormone that keeps body clocks in check and induces sleep.

So drink responsibly, raise a glass, and stay young and healthy! Merlot anyone?


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