If you want to stay sharp and in control of your life, there are proactive methods things you can do to retain your mental faculties in tip top condition. More and more research is pointing to the fact that physical activity and lifestyle choices have more to do with preventing Alzheimer s disease (AD) and other forms of dementia – once thought to be a normal part of aging – than pure genetics. So if you had a parent, grandparent or sibling with AD it doesn’t mean you have to follow the same path.
Statistics gathered from extensive research do point toward a higher risk of developing AD if you had a close relative with AD – as much as 50%, but that has less to do with genes and more to do with following their lifestyle patterns. If for example, your parents were smokers who rarely exercised, you may have developed some of the same destructive habits.
1. Eat Right.
It seems so simple, yet too many people just don’t get enough of the mind preserving antioxidants found in fresh fruits and vegetables. A well-balanced diet, free of dairy products and using low fat sources of protein will protect both heart and mind.
2. Supplement where necessary.
Many diets lack the nutrients proven to promote brain health. These include sources of essential fatty acids found in fish and specific herbs and minerals that can enhance cognitive function.
3. Exercise.
Originally it was thought that exercise increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain cells. This is still true, but a report prepared for the National Institutes of Health states that exercise can also stimulate the production growth factors, which are molecules produced by the body to repair and maintain nerves.
4. Lower Your Cholesterol.
Many people with early dementia or AD symptoms may have actually experienced small strokes that damaged the brain’s neurotransmitters. By keeping cholesterol levels in check, the arteries are free and clear of plaque that can cause stroke.
5. Do your Mental Exercises.
Keeping up with current events, working puzzles each day, learning and memorizing new information all work to keeping a mind strong and alert. It is normal for people to sometimes forget a name or date, but the more practice recalling such information the greater the brain’s ability to do this throughout old age. In the case of mental challenges, the more you do the more you can push back the clock on cognitive decline.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The Top Ten Superfoods
Posted by Norman Carr at 8:10 AM Wednesday, April 28, 2010The Top Ten Superfoods - The key to optimum health is not in a pill or one magical nutrient. But there are foods that are so concentrated in nutritional value and possess such powerful health benefits, that they are sometimes referred to as "super foods".
This list of healthy foods are nutrient dense. Essentially, they have more nutrients per calorie than most other foods. They have also been proven to contain vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that help prevent disease: from cancer to heart disease to arthritis, to name a few.
The 10 healthiest foods are foods that are so good for us that we should include them as part of a healthy diet . Each is an amazing food, loaded with health giving benefits. Particularly organic varieties free from growth hormones and pesticides.
These super foods are perfect for heart healthy, low fat cooking and most fit perfectly into a low carb lifestyle as well.
This list of super foods is arranged alphabetically, not in order of importance.
The 10 Healthiest Foods You Can Eat
1. Berries
Berries are extremely rich in antioxidants which help protect the cells in our bodies from damage and therefore from diseases like cancer. Among other things they are also an excellent source of Vitamin C and soluble fibre. Blueberries might help reverse the short term memory loss that often comes with aging.
2. Broccoli
Broccoli (and other cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower and cabbage) helps fight cancer, especially breast, colon and lung. It boosts the immune system. Broccoli also contains antioxidants and a substance called sulforaphane, which research is showing to be a powerful cancer fighter and preventer.
3. Citrus Fruits
The citrus bioflavanoids in oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit have anti-cancer and antioxidant properties. Many of these citrus bioflavanoids have also been shown to have anti-inflammatory and blood clot inhibiting abilities.
4. Garlic
Numerous studies have shown that regular consumption of garlic can lower our blood pressure. It also prevents the blood from being overly sticky and decreases LDL cholesterol (the "bad" one) while increasing the good HDL cholesterol.
5. Nuts
Walnuts and Pecans are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, a special type of fat that is essential for our bodies, but that the body cannot produce. Omega-3 essential fatty acids protect us against heart disease. Almonds are also known for their ability to help lower LDL cholesterol levels. (Costco sells them in bulk at great prices)
6. Oats
Oats also help reduce cholesterol. Research shows that one bowl of oatmeal per day can reduce cholesterol by up to 23%. Oats are also considered an excellent grain for diabetics as they have less impact on blood sugar levels than some other grains. The best kind are the plain long cook type as opposed to instant or flavoured.
7. Fish
The Omega-3 fatty acids in salmon and other fatty fish such as trout may help prevent heart disease and stroke by lowering the body's rate of blood clotting.
8. Spinach
Spinach's secret weapon, lutein, makes it one of the best foods in the world to prevent cataracts, as well as age related macular degeneration, the leading cause of preventable blindness in the elderly. Be strong to the finish cause you eats your spinach!
9. Tomatoes
Tomatoes contain high levels of lycopene. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant and as such helps to protect the cells in our bodies from damage. For example men who consumed more than two servings of tomato sauce a week were up to 36% less likely to develop prostate cancer over a 12 year period than men who ate less than one serving a month according to a Harvard study.
10. Turkey
Turkey is one of the leanest protein foods and is low in calories, making it an excellent healthy food choice. Turkey also contains selenium which has been shown to inhibit cancer development, improve the immune system, and aid in the metabolism of our thyroid hormone.
You can see that the top 10 healthiest foods, or "super foods", are also some of our favourite ingredients. By including these super foods in a healthy diet on a regular basis you can be well on your way to staying young and healthy.
Making healthy food choices just got a whole lot simpler.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
RED WINE - To Your Health
Posted by Norman Carr at 7:50 AM Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The health benefits of red wine have long been comfort (and sometimes justifcation) to those who enjoy an occasional glass or two. But the news is even better.
New research has shown that women who drink moderately gain less weight than those who consume soft drinks - and those who drank red wine put on the least weight. The findings by Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston suggest that drinkers turn the calories into heat, not fat.
BENEFITS OF RED WINE: Said to fight cancer, raises good cholesterol, boosts brain power, helps insomnia and protects against hearing and tooth decay.
The health benefits of red wine are attributed to resveratrol, a plant chemical in the skins and seeds of grapes. Salicylate, an antioxidant in red wine, can help to prevent deafness by protecting the tiny hairs in the inner ear that are vital for hearing.
It can also sharpen your wits, says Dr Clinton Wright, professor of neurology at Columbia University, New York, who found moderate red wine drinkers score higher in mental agility tests than teetotallers. A team of U.S. researchers discovered that chemicals in the seeds and skins of grapes blocked the ability of corrosive bacteria to bind with tooth enamel, protecting teeth from decay.
Red wine can also help insomnia, according to the University of Milan. Grape skins contain melatonin, a hormone that keeps body clocks in check and induces sleep.
New research has shown that women who drink moderately gain less weight than those who consume soft drinks - and those who drank red wine put on the least weight. The findings by Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston suggest that drinkers turn the calories into heat, not fat.
BENEFITS OF RED WINE: Said to fight cancer, raises good cholesterol, boosts brain power, helps insomnia and protects against hearing and tooth decay.
The health benefits of red wine are attributed to resveratrol, a plant chemical in the skins and seeds of grapes. Salicylate, an antioxidant in red wine, can help to prevent deafness by protecting the tiny hairs in the inner ear that are vital for hearing.
It can also sharpen your wits, says Dr Clinton Wright, professor of neurology at Columbia University, New York, who found moderate red wine drinkers score higher in mental agility tests than teetotallers. A team of U.S. researchers discovered that chemicals in the seeds and skins of grapes blocked the ability of corrosive bacteria to bind with tooth enamel, protecting teeth from decay.
Red wine can also help insomnia, according to the University of Milan. Grape skins contain melatonin, a hormone that keeps body clocks in check and induces sleep.
So drink responsibly, raise a glass, and stay young and healthy! Merlot anyone?
Friday, April 23, 2010
Sinus Problems? Try a Neti Pot
Posted by Norman Carr at 6:40 AM Friday, April 23, 2010In North America, sinus problems are the #1 reason people see a doctor. With increasing pollution and chemicals in the environment, there is an enormous rise in the number of people who suffer various forms of nasal congestion and respiratory illnesses.
For some people it means taking a battery of powerful drugs or even surgery. But there is a drug free alternative.
Holistic health practitioners throughout the world recommend the regular practice of nasal cleansing using a saline solution as part of a regular regimen of health and wellness, a basic health-maintenance activity equal to flossing your teeth. Neti is a gentle, safe, efficient way to deliver a good cleansing dose of saline to the nose.
Although the practice of nasal irrigation originated in India, today there are numerous people in Europe and North America who use this simple technique as part of their daily routine.
Your local pharmacy has the saline solutions and neti pots in a convenient kit with pre-measured saline. Ask your health care provider if a neti pot is right for you.
People practice Neti on a daily basis to help keep their sinuses clean and to make their breathing easier and more free. Once they try it, most people find Neti to be a soothing and pleasant experience. Even migraine sufferers have reported substantial benefits.
If, like a lot of people, you find that your nasal passages are blocked because of pollution, pollen, dust and other irritants, you may find this simple nasal irrigation technique to be of invaluable benefit to you. So breathe easy and stay healthy.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Acupuncture Facelift: Fact or Fiction?
Posted by Norman Carr at 7:17 AM Thursday, April 22, 2010
Acupuncture’s ability to improve a variety of skin conditions has now been documented in legitimate clinical studies.
Is it really a facelift? The answer is an unequivocal no. Nor is it intended to replace a facelift. Cosmetic acupuncture entails no incisions, sutures or acid peels and it will not produce sudden, drastic changes in underlying structures. In fact, the American Cosmetic Acupuncture Association discourages the use of the term, “facelift” in connection with acupuncture, as this creates unrealistic expectations and, ultimately, disappointment. Remember, it took decades of stress, sun damage and exposure to environmental toxins for your skin to reach a state of crisis, and the damage will not be instantly undone. The remedy cosmetic acupuncture may offer is the reduction or erasure of fine lines and the softening of deeper ones. Additionally, patients may experience the firming of jowls and a reduction in the size of under-eye bags. It is not unusual for clients to report enhanced skin tone, increased energy and eyes that sparkle.
Since facial acupuncture is based on time-tested principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a person’s overall health may also benefit. Insomnia may be corrected and weight gain may be controlled. Cosmetic acupuncture is, after all, a whole-body treatment. In the Traditional Chinese Medicine view, a person’s face is affected selectively by his or her internal organs. Facial features reflect organic strengths, and as internal organs are fortified, one’s face reflects the improvement. Besides addressing a patient’s condition holistically, the practitioner will probably work locally, inserting painless, ultra-fine needles into--and around--specific wrinkles, acu-points or muscle points, depending on the technique employed. Techniques can be Spartan or luxuriant, and practitioners will often incorporate herbal poultices, moisturizers, pulsed light or essential oils into a treatment. An imperceptible electrical current may also be passed among the needles.
Is it really a facelift? The answer is an unequivocal no. Nor is it intended to replace a facelift. Cosmetic acupuncture entails no incisions, sutures or acid peels and it will not produce sudden, drastic changes in underlying structures. In fact, the American Cosmetic Acupuncture Association discourages the use of the term, “facelift” in connection with acupuncture, as this creates unrealistic expectations and, ultimately, disappointment. Remember, it took decades of stress, sun damage and exposure to environmental toxins for your skin to reach a state of crisis, and the damage will not be instantly undone. The remedy cosmetic acupuncture may offer is the reduction or erasure of fine lines and the softening of deeper ones. Additionally, patients may experience the firming of jowls and a reduction in the size of under-eye bags. It is not unusual for clients to report enhanced skin tone, increased energy and eyes that sparkle.
Since facial acupuncture is based on time-tested principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a person’s overall health may also benefit. Insomnia may be corrected and weight gain may be controlled. Cosmetic acupuncture is, after all, a whole-body treatment. In the Traditional Chinese Medicine view, a person’s face is affected selectively by his or her internal organs. Facial features reflect organic strengths, and as internal organs are fortified, one’s face reflects the improvement. Besides addressing a patient’s condition holistically, the practitioner will probably work locally, inserting painless, ultra-fine needles into--and around--specific wrinkles, acu-points or muscle points, depending on the technique employed. Techniques can be Spartan or luxuriant, and practitioners will often incorporate herbal poultices, moisturizers, pulsed light or essential oils into a treatment. An imperceptible electrical current may also be passed among the needles.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Swim To Stay Young And Healthy
Posted by Norman Carr at 8:26 AM Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Researchers at Indiana University have found that fairly intensive swimming can substantially delay the decline of such age markers as blood pressure, muscle mass,blood chemistry and pulmonary function. If intense swimming is not your thing then perhaps Aqua Aerobics is the answer.
Aqua aerobics is the performance of aerobic exercise in shallow water such as a swimming pool. In some areas it is known as AquaFit or "water aerobics".
There are many benefits of performing aerobics in the water. Water-related exercise increases cardiovascular fitness, as well as improving overall strength. Also, as the water provides support for the body, the risk of muscle or joint injury is greatly reduced, if not completely eliminated. A great advantage in aqua aerobics is, because it is performed in chest-deep water, both swimmers and non-swimmers can participate. Aqua aerobics trainers usually wear swimsuits in the water.
Aquatic activities in general will expend more energy than many land-based activities, this is mainly because water provides noticeably more resistance than air. Water provides 12 times the resistance of air because of its increased density. An aerobic water exercise of around 30 minutes will help burn about 300 calories; most classes last for 45-55 minutes.
Water provides support for the body; nearly 90% of weight is supported. This greatly reduces the risk of any bone, joint or muscle injuries.
Aquatic exercise can improve flexibility without causing excess pressure on joints. The effects of gravity are reduced in the water, making it easier to move joints through a wider range of motions.
Exercise in water can be much more comfortable than exercise based on land. This is because during the workout, water continually cools the body.
Get set, get wet and stay young and healthy! Video Presentation follows
Aqua Aerobics
Aqua aerobics is the performance of aerobic exercise in shallow water such as a swimming pool. In some areas it is known as AquaFit or "water aerobics".
There are many benefits of performing aerobics in the water. Water-related exercise increases cardiovascular fitness, as well as improving overall strength. Also, as the water provides support for the body, the risk of muscle or joint injury is greatly reduced, if not completely eliminated. A great advantage in aqua aerobics is, because it is performed in chest-deep water, both swimmers and non-swimmers can participate. Aqua aerobics trainers usually wear swimsuits in the water.
Aquatic activities in general will expend more energy than many land-based activities, this is mainly because water provides noticeably more resistance than air. Water provides 12 times the resistance of air because of its increased density. An aerobic water exercise of around 30 minutes will help burn about 300 calories; most classes last for 45-55 minutes.
Water provides support for the body; nearly 90% of weight is supported. This greatly reduces the risk of any bone, joint or muscle injuries.
Aquatic exercise can improve flexibility without causing excess pressure on joints. The effects of gravity are reduced in the water, making it easier to move joints through a wider range of motions.
Exercise in water can be much more comfortable than exercise based on land. This is because during the workout, water continually cools the body.
Get set, get wet and stay young and healthy! Video Presentation follows
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Can olive oil switch off disease causing genes?
Posted by Norman Carr at 7:18 AM Tuesday, April 20, 2010
How olive oil can help improve health including heart disease and arthritis
Olive oil's health-giving benefits stem from its ability to help 'switch off ' genes that inflame conditions ranging from heart disease to arthritis, claim researchers.
This discovery shows how the much-praised Mediterranean diet can suppress chronic disorders.
Researchers in Spain identified almost 100 genes whose inflammatory activity is dampened by consumption of olive oil, in particular extra virgin olive oil.
The Spanish researchers have found a whole new use for olive oil, in particular extra virgin olive oil.
Eating healthy mono-unsaturated fats such as olive oil is known to lower the risk of heart disease.
North America, the fast food capital of the world, has one of the highest heart attack rates in the world, much higher levels of animal or saturated fats are eaten.
In a recent study, 20 patients with metabolic syndrome, which puts them at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, were asked to eat breakfast foods covered in two types of olive oil.
One was extra virgin olive oil high in phenol compounds - natural antioxidants - while the other type of oil had low levels of phenols.
The volunteers had to avoid drugs, vitamins and other supplements for six weeks before the study started.
Dr Francisco Perez- Jimenez, from the University of Cordoba, said: 'We identified 98 differentially expressed genes when comparing the intake of phenol-rich olive oil with low-phenol olive oil.
'Several of the repressed genes are known to be involved in pro-inflammatory processes, suggesting the diet can switch the activity of immune system cells.'
Olive oil contains omega-6 fats, a form of 'healthy' polyunsaturates known to block the body's response to inflammation in chronic conditions such as heart disease and arthritis.
Dietitians say a Mediterranean diet also appears to improve vascular function - the flexibility of cells lining the walls of blood vessels, particularly in the heart and circulatory system.
Olive oil's health-giving benefits stem from its ability to help 'switch off ' genes that inflame conditions ranging from heart disease to arthritis, claim researchers.
This discovery shows how the much-praised Mediterranean diet can suppress chronic disorders.
Researchers in Spain identified almost 100 genes whose inflammatory activity is dampened by consumption of olive oil, in particular extra virgin olive oil.
The Spanish researchers have found a whole new use for olive oil, in particular extra virgin olive oil.
Eating healthy mono-unsaturated fats such as olive oil is known to lower the risk of heart disease.
North America, the fast food capital of the world, has one of the highest heart attack rates in the world, much higher levels of animal or saturated fats are eaten.
In a recent study, 20 patients with metabolic syndrome, which puts them at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, were asked to eat breakfast foods covered in two types of olive oil.
One was extra virgin olive oil high in phenol compounds - natural antioxidants - while the other type of oil had low levels of phenols.
The volunteers had to avoid drugs, vitamins and other supplements for six weeks before the study started.
Dr Francisco Perez- Jimenez, from the University of Cordoba, said: 'We identified 98 differentially expressed genes when comparing the intake of phenol-rich olive oil with low-phenol olive oil.
'Several of the repressed genes are known to be involved in pro-inflammatory processes, suggesting the diet can switch the activity of immune system cells.'
Olive oil contains omega-6 fats, a form of 'healthy' polyunsaturates known to block the body's response to inflammation in chronic conditions such as heart disease and arthritis.
Dietitians say a Mediterranean diet also appears to improve vascular function - the flexibility of cells lining the walls of blood vessels, particularly in the heart and circulatory system.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Dancing Can Help You Stay Young & Healthy
Posted by Norman Carr at 7:23 AM Monday, April 19, 2010
The Health Benefits Of Dancing
Dancing has so many health benefits it's hard to know where to start. It's a great way for people of all ages to get into and stay in shape. Besides being a unique form of exercise providing cardiovascular benefits of an aerobic workout, it's also fun and it allows you to engage in social activities. People of all ages, and fitness levels can enjoy dance and its benefits.
Why Dancing?
Dancing is an aerobic activity which provides the body with many health benefits. It can increase energy and stamina, improve strength, improve posture and coordination, decrease blood pressure, decrease cholesterol, lower the risk of heart disease, strengthen the bones, etc., etc...
Dancing keeps you fit both physically and mentally. According to studies, touching in itself can be beneficial to health - it can reduce stress and depression and enhance immune system. Overall, dance is a great way to reduce stress and build confidence.
It's not a surprise that it's becoming a favourite exercise option for many people around the world.
Top Health Benefits Of Dancing
Reduces stress and tension
A long stressful day can be balanced with just half an hour of dance.
Increases energy and improve strength
Dancing is a completely natural and intuitive way to get your body in good shape and increase your energy levels. Treadmills are boring. Dancing is fun.
Increases muscle tone and coordination
Dancing is a wonderful way to improve muscle tone, especially for women, because it's perfect for toning without building up muscle mass.
Lowers your risk of heart disease
Does dancing improve heart health? Of course, some studies even show that it improves cardiovascular health more than cycling or walking. Decrease blood pressure and cholesterol
Regular dancing can, as any regular exercise, lead to a lower blood pressure and an improved cholesterol profile.
Helps you manage your weight
Dancing is an exceptional way to lose weight. It can burn as many calories as walking, swimming or riding a bike. With 1/2 hour of sustained dancing you can burn between 200 and 400 calories.
Strengthens the bones
Dance is considered a weight-bearing exercise which can prevent osteoporosis and strengthen bones. Osteoporosis is a major concern for woman, especially during post-menopause.
Increases your stamina and flexibility
Dance is a physical exercise. Exercise increases stamina and flexibility. Plus, it's much more entertaining than the gym.
Build confidence and self-esteem
Dance gives you a sense of success and achievement when you master it. It's a great way to boost your confidence.
Provides opportunities to meet people
Dancing is a great way to meet new people and make new friends.
Improved sense of well being
Exercise elevates your mood by raising the endorphins or feel good chemicals. That gives you a sense of general well-being. Even a little dancing can improve your mood.
Now that you know that dancing is good for you, put on your dancing shoes and start dancing your way to health!
Dancing has so many health benefits it's hard to know where to start. It's a great way for people of all ages to get into and stay in shape. Besides being a unique form of exercise providing cardiovascular benefits of an aerobic workout, it's also fun and it allows you to engage in social activities. People of all ages, and fitness levels can enjoy dance and its benefits.
Why Dancing?
Dancing is an aerobic activity which provides the body with many health benefits. It can increase energy and stamina, improve strength, improve posture and coordination, decrease blood pressure, decrease cholesterol, lower the risk of heart disease, strengthen the bones, etc., etc...
Dancing keeps you fit both physically and mentally. According to studies, touching in itself can be beneficial to health - it can reduce stress and depression and enhance immune system. Overall, dance is a great way to reduce stress and build confidence.
It's not a surprise that it's becoming a favourite exercise option for many people around the world.
Top Health Benefits Of Dancing
Reduces stress and tension
A long stressful day can be balanced with just half an hour of dance.
Increases energy and improve strength
Dancing is a completely natural and intuitive way to get your body in good shape and increase your energy levels. Treadmills are boring. Dancing is fun.
Increases muscle tone and coordination
Dancing is a wonderful way to improve muscle tone, especially for women, because it's perfect for toning without building up muscle mass.
Lowers your risk of heart disease
Does dancing improve heart health? Of course, some studies even show that it improves cardiovascular health more than cycling or walking. Decrease blood pressure and cholesterol
Regular dancing can, as any regular exercise, lead to a lower blood pressure and an improved cholesterol profile.
Helps you manage your weight
Dancing is an exceptional way to lose weight. It can burn as many calories as walking, swimming or riding a bike. With 1/2 hour of sustained dancing you can burn between 200 and 400 calories.
Strengthens the bones
Dance is considered a weight-bearing exercise which can prevent osteoporosis and strengthen bones. Osteoporosis is a major concern for woman, especially during post-menopause.
Increases your stamina and flexibility
Dance is a physical exercise. Exercise increases stamina and flexibility. Plus, it's much more entertaining than the gym.
Build confidence and self-esteem
Dance gives you a sense of success and achievement when you master it. It's a great way to boost your confidence.
Provides opportunities to meet people
Dancing is a great way to meet new people and make new friends.
Improved sense of well being
Exercise elevates your mood by raising the endorphins or feel good chemicals. That gives you a sense of general well-being. Even a little dancing can improve your mood.
Now that you know that dancing is good for you, put on your dancing shoes and start dancing your way to health!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Butter or Margarine - which one is better for your health?
Posted by Norman Carr at 7:35 AM Friday, April 16, 2010
This issue is still as hot today as when it first arose. To examine which one is better for heart health, let's look at the fat content of both butter and margarine.
Butter, as an animal fat, contains both saturated fats and cholesterol – the two dietary ingredients that increase blood cholesterol. Saturated fats can raise LDL cholesterol (also known as "bad" cholesterol), which raises total blood cholesterol as well. Cholesterol in foods, on the other hand, has little effect on blood cholesterol in most people. But for some, even a little dietary cholesterol can cause a soar in blood cholesterol levels
The Heart and Stroke Foundation recommends the use of margarine as a substitute for butter. It is gratifying that many brands of soft margarine do not contain trans fat anymore. Check the Nutrition Facts label and choose one with zero trans fat and no more than 2 g of saturated fats per tbsp and with liquid vegetable oil as the first ingredient.
Which one should you choose? Every food choice has to be considered in context of your diet as a whole and that all fats should be eaten in moderation. But also remember that not all fats are created equal – it’s not just the quantity, but also the type of fat you consume that you need to pay attention to.
For example, a healthy diet low in saturated and trans fats may reduce the risk of heart disease. Many margarines are now low in saturated and trans fat. In fact, Becel for example has 80% less saturated fat than butter. Becel is also trans fat-free, cholesterol free, and a source of omega-3 polyunsaturates. Butter isn’t.
Becel has some great information on their website – Becel.ca Check it out and you decide! In the meantime take care and stay healthy.
Butter, as an animal fat, contains both saturated fats and cholesterol – the two dietary ingredients that increase blood cholesterol. Saturated fats can raise LDL cholesterol (also known as "bad" cholesterol), which raises total blood cholesterol as well. Cholesterol in foods, on the other hand, has little effect on blood cholesterol in most people. But for some, even a little dietary cholesterol can cause a soar in blood cholesterol levels
The Heart and Stroke Foundation recommends the use of margarine as a substitute for butter. It is gratifying that many brands of soft margarine do not contain trans fat anymore. Check the Nutrition Facts label and choose one with zero trans fat and no more than 2 g of saturated fats per tbsp and with liquid vegetable oil as the first ingredient.
Which one should you choose? Every food choice has to be considered in context of your diet as a whole and that all fats should be eaten in moderation. But also remember that not all fats are created equal – it’s not just the quantity, but also the type of fat you consume that you need to pay attention to.
For example, a healthy diet low in saturated and trans fats may reduce the risk of heart disease. Many margarines are now low in saturated and trans fat. In fact, Becel for example has 80% less saturated fat than butter. Becel is also trans fat-free, cholesterol free, and a source of omega-3 polyunsaturates. Butter isn’t.
Becel has some great information on their website – Becel.ca Check it out and you decide! In the meantime take care and stay healthy.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Can exercise add up to 10 years to your life?
Posted by Norman Carr at 7:13 AM Thursday, April 15, 2010
Many people today are concerned about staying young and fit as they get older. Women and men alike are increasingly having cosmetic surgery, and using creams, lotions and potions just to maintain that youthful look.
However, there is a way to feel and look younger naturally and keep them guessing.
Exercise is one of the best ways to enjoy a youthful body well into old age. You don’t have to grow old gracefully or feel old, even when you are eighty. You can fight it all the way!
With the proper exercise regimen, you can enjoy healthy skin and a healthy body. Exercise does a lot to help your whole body stay younger.
Exercise for Healthy Glowing Skin
One of the most effective ways to enjoy healthy looking skin is exercise. Exercise can help keep the skin tight, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
With exercise you can prevent the development of cellulite and stretch marks that so often come with older age. However, sweating during a workout can also give the skin a young and healthy glow.
Exercise also helps the body to absorb and use vitamins and minerals consumed in the diet. These vitamins and minerals can help you maintain a healthy appearance.
Exercise for Healthy Internal Organs
As the body ages, it will naturally begin to lose lung capacity and slows blood pumping abilities. However, exercise can help keep the blood flowing and the lungs pumping, particularly if you are diabetic.
It is estimated that by exercising you can stop the reduction of lung and heart capacity by as much as 20%. Exercises such as walking or jogging can help keep these organs young for many years. Cardiovascular exercise is also a great way to keep your organs in shape.
Exercise to Prevent Osteoporosis and Decrease Bone Loss
While calcium plays an important role in eliminating the risk of osteoporosis, exercise can also have benefits. By performing daily stretches and working on your posture you can decrease the compression of the spine.
As the body ages, the disks and bones in the back and neck can begin to settle, and cause pain. However, by strengthening these areas, you can reduce the amount of settling that occurs.
Exercise to Maintain your Sense of Balance
As our body ages, many people find that their ability to balance becomes impaired. This can lead to slips and falls that can become life threatening in some situations.
With continued balance exercises the body is more flexible, and better at responding to an imbalance. If the body is toned and muscled, it will also suffer less damage if a fall does occur.
As you can see there are many reasons that exercise should be continued at all ages. There are still many research studies in progress to prove the benefits of exercise. However, most doctors agree that exercise can add up to 10 years to your life.
It also provides relief with many medical conditions and diseases. Conditions such as heart disease and diabetes can be kept at bay by maintaining a healthy weight, and working out on a regular basis. In a recent survey, 85% of all doctors surveyed, said exercise has a definite impact on staying young and healthy.
However, there is a way to feel and look younger naturally and keep them guessing.
Exercise is one of the best ways to enjoy a youthful body well into old age. You don’t have to grow old gracefully or feel old, even when you are eighty. You can fight it all the way!
With the proper exercise regimen, you can enjoy healthy skin and a healthy body. Exercise does a lot to help your whole body stay younger.
Exercise for Healthy Glowing Skin
One of the most effective ways to enjoy healthy looking skin is exercise. Exercise can help keep the skin tight, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
With exercise you can prevent the development of cellulite and stretch marks that so often come with older age. However, sweating during a workout can also give the skin a young and healthy glow.
Exercise also helps the body to absorb and use vitamins and minerals consumed in the diet. These vitamins and minerals can help you maintain a healthy appearance.
Exercise for Healthy Internal Organs
As the body ages, it will naturally begin to lose lung capacity and slows blood pumping abilities. However, exercise can help keep the blood flowing and the lungs pumping, particularly if you are diabetic.
It is estimated that by exercising you can stop the reduction of lung and heart capacity by as much as 20%. Exercises such as walking or jogging can help keep these organs young for many years. Cardiovascular exercise is also a great way to keep your organs in shape.
Exercise to Prevent Osteoporosis and Decrease Bone Loss
While calcium plays an important role in eliminating the risk of osteoporosis, exercise can also have benefits. By performing daily stretches and working on your posture you can decrease the compression of the spine.
As the body ages, the disks and bones in the back and neck can begin to settle, and cause pain. However, by strengthening these areas, you can reduce the amount of settling that occurs.
Exercise to Maintain your Sense of Balance
As our body ages, many people find that their ability to balance becomes impaired. This can lead to slips and falls that can become life threatening in some situations.
With continued balance exercises the body is more flexible, and better at responding to an imbalance. If the body is toned and muscled, it will also suffer less damage if a fall does occur.
As you can see there are many reasons that exercise should be continued at all ages. There are still many research studies in progress to prove the benefits of exercise. However, most doctors agree that exercise can add up to 10 years to your life.
It also provides relief with many medical conditions and diseases. Conditions such as heart disease and diabetes can be kept at bay by maintaining a healthy weight, and working out on a regular basis. In a recent survey, 85% of all doctors surveyed, said exercise has a definite impact on staying young and healthy.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Top Ten Tips To Staying Young & Healthy
Posted by Norman Carr at 8:10 AM Wednesday, April 14, 2010
1. Throw out nonessential numbers. - This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctor worry about them. That is why you pay him/her.
2. Keep only cheerful friends. - The grouches pull you down.
3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening whatever. - "Never let the brain idle." "An idle mind is the devil's workshop." And the devil's name is Alzheimer's.
4. Enjoy the simple things
5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath
6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. -
The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.
7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. - Your home is your refuge.
8. Cherish your health: - If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.
9. Don't take guilt trips. - Take a trip to the mall, to the next county, to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is.
10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.
AND ALWAYS REMEMBER, Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
I came across this list attributed to George Carlin.
2. Keep only cheerful friends. - The grouches pull you down.
3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening whatever. - "Never let the brain idle." "An idle mind is the devil's workshop." And the devil's name is Alzheimer's.
4. Enjoy the simple things
5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath
6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. -
The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.
7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. - Your home is your refuge.
8. Cherish your health: - If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.
9. Don't take guilt trips. - Take a trip to the mall, to the next county, to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is.
10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.
AND ALWAYS REMEMBER, Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
I came across this list attributed to George Carlin.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Working Beyond Retirement and Loving It!
Posted by Norman Carr at 2:52 PM Monday, April 12, 2010
Staying young and healthy after retirement both financially and physically is a concern for most people. For many of us creating a small business may be the answer. Some of the reasons cited in a poll of retirees included:
1. You like working and want to keep busy.
2. You'd rather see money coming in instead of going out.
3. The outrageous cost of simply living just keeps climbing.
4. Since you're planning to live a long time, you want to have enough money.
5. There are exotic destinations you haven't traveled to yet.
6. You can't play golf all the time.
So you've established you want to work. Now what? Start your online search. There are terrific sites for retirees. Ideas galore to spark your creativity. Maybe you've always had a notion to start a home based business. There's no better time than now. The video below examines an online opportunity that may be a good fit for retired baby boomers and active seniors.
If you'd rather work outside the home, check your local area agencies that focus on senior employment. There are many companies now that see the value in hiring the mature worker. Network and tell everyone you meet your intentions of locating employment. This is not the time to be shy.
Maybe you'd prefer to work at home but feel many home based businesses are too risky. In that, it would take some time to show a profit. You want to make money right away. Are there really work at home jobs that are legitimate?
Big and small businesses are eagerly employing home based call center agents. If you have a computer with high-speed internet access and a quiet place in which to work, this may be ideal for you and your lifestyle. The companies hiring virtual assistants range from airlines, financial institutions to retailers. Any company which needs quality customer representation to take reservations, orders or offer assistance are future employers.
Flexible hours, good pay and the tax benefits of the home based business owner. What's not to like?
Always seek out the help of legal and acccounting professionals when starting a business.
1. You like working and want to keep busy.
2. You'd rather see money coming in instead of going out.
3. The outrageous cost of simply living just keeps climbing.
4. Since you're planning to live a long time, you want to have enough money.
5. There are exotic destinations you haven't traveled to yet.
6. You can't play golf all the time.
So you've established you want to work. Now what? Start your online search. There are terrific sites for retirees. Ideas galore to spark your creativity. Maybe you've always had a notion to start a home based business. There's no better time than now. The video below examines an online opportunity that may be a good fit for retired baby boomers and active seniors.
If you'd rather work outside the home, check your local area agencies that focus on senior employment. There are many companies now that see the value in hiring the mature worker. Network and tell everyone you meet your intentions of locating employment. This is not the time to be shy.
Maybe you'd prefer to work at home but feel many home based businesses are too risky. In that, it would take some time to show a profit. You want to make money right away. Are there really work at home jobs that are legitimate?
Big and small businesses are eagerly employing home based call center agents. If you have a computer with high-speed internet access and a quiet place in which to work, this may be ideal for you and your lifestyle. The companies hiring virtual assistants range from airlines, financial institutions to retailers. Any company which needs quality customer representation to take reservations, orders or offer assistance are future employers.
Flexible hours, good pay and the tax benefits of the home based business owner. What's not to like?
Always seek out the help of legal and acccounting professionals when starting a business.
Top 10 Health Benefits of Apples
Posted by Norman Carr at 6:36 AM
Along with the desire to look young, being young on the inside can be assisted by sensible eating.
We're told that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but what exactly are the health benefits of apples? Here are our top ten reasons to heed the advice of that old adage.
1. Bone Protection
French researchers found that a flavanoid called phloridzin that is found only in apples may protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and may also increase bone density. Boron, another ingredient in apples, also strengthens bones.
2. Asthma Help
One recent study shows that children with asthma who drank apple juice on a daily basis suffered from less wheezing than children who drank apple juice only once per month. Another study showed that children born to women who eat a lot of apples during pregnancy have lower rates of asthma than children whose mothers ate few apples.
3. Alzheimer's Prevention
A study on mice at Cornell University found that the quercetin in apples may protect brain cells from the kind of free radical damage that may lead to Alzheimer's disease.
4. Lower Cholesterol
The pectin in apples lowers LDL ("bad") cholesterol. People who eat two apples per day may lower their cholesterol by as much as 16 percent.
5. Lung Cancer Prevention
According to a study of 10,000 people, those who ate the most apples had a 50 percent lower risk of developing lung cancer. Researchers believe this is due to the high levels of the flavonoids quercetin and naringin in apples.
6. Breast Cancer Prevention
A Cornell University study found that rats who ate one apple per day reduced their risk of breast cancer by 17 percent. Rats fed three apples per day reduced their risk by 39 percent and those fed six apples per day reduced their risk by 44 percent.
7. Colon Cancer Prevention
One study found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 43 percent lower risk of colon cancer. Other research shows that the pectin in apples reduces the risk of colon cancer and helps maintain a healthy digestive tract.
8. Liver Cancer Prevention
Research found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 57 percent lower risk of liver cancer.
9. Diabetes Management
The pectin in apples supplies galacturonic acid to the body which lowers the body's need for insulin and may help in the management of diabetes.
10. Weight Loss
A Brazilian study found that women who ate three apples or pears per day lost more weight while dieting than women who did not eat fruit while dieting.
We're told that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but what exactly are the health benefits of apples? Here are our top ten reasons to heed the advice of that old adage.
1. Bone Protection
French researchers found that a flavanoid called phloridzin that is found only in apples may protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and may also increase bone density. Boron, another ingredient in apples, also strengthens bones.
2. Asthma Help
One recent study shows that children with asthma who drank apple juice on a daily basis suffered from less wheezing than children who drank apple juice only once per month. Another study showed that children born to women who eat a lot of apples during pregnancy have lower rates of asthma than children whose mothers ate few apples.
3. Alzheimer's Prevention
A study on mice at Cornell University found that the quercetin in apples may protect brain cells from the kind of free radical damage that may lead to Alzheimer's disease.
4. Lower Cholesterol
The pectin in apples lowers LDL ("bad") cholesterol. People who eat two apples per day may lower their cholesterol by as much as 16 percent.
5. Lung Cancer Prevention
According to a study of 10,000 people, those who ate the most apples had a 50 percent lower risk of developing lung cancer. Researchers believe this is due to the high levels of the flavonoids quercetin and naringin in apples.
6. Breast Cancer Prevention
A Cornell University study found that rats who ate one apple per day reduced their risk of breast cancer by 17 percent. Rats fed three apples per day reduced their risk by 39 percent and those fed six apples per day reduced their risk by 44 percent.
7. Colon Cancer Prevention
One study found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 43 percent lower risk of colon cancer. Other research shows that the pectin in apples reduces the risk of colon cancer and helps maintain a healthy digestive tract.
8. Liver Cancer Prevention
Research found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 57 percent lower risk of liver cancer.
9. Diabetes Management
The pectin in apples supplies galacturonic acid to the body which lowers the body's need for insulin and may help in the management of diabetes.
10. Weight Loss
A Brazilian study found that women who ate three apples or pears per day lost more weight while dieting than women who did not eat fruit while dieting.
Friday, April 9, 2010
You Are What You Eat - Part Three
Posted by Norman Carr at 8:27 AM Friday, April 9, 2010
So, why are processed foods so bad?
There are forty nutrients that cannot be made in the body. They are essential fatty acid, 15 vitamins, 14 minerals, and 10 amino acids. Collectively these forty nutrients are spoken of as the body's requirements.
From these our bodies synthesized an estimated 10,000 different compounds essential to the maintenance of health. All the forty nutrients work together. Therefore, the lack of any one might result in the underproduction of hundreds of these essential compounds.
Processed foods contain refined sugar, unhealthy fats extra salt, and other flavor enhancers. Unhealthy chemical additives are added to foods so that they stay fresh longer such as MSG.
Processed foods can increase your body's level of homocysteine. (By the way, Omega 3 essential fatty acids has also been shown to reduce the levels of homocysteine.) You can also find out about Power Barley which delivers the needed B vitamins to turn the extra homocysteine to cysteine a substance the body needs to make glutathione which is the body's master anti-oxidant.
Processing takes many of the nutrients out of the nutrient rich foods.
Processed foods are fortified with synthetics. Most of the pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin, cholin, inositol, vitamins B6 and E are discarded in the milling of breads and the refining of flour for cereals. To make up for the loss of nutrients during processing, synthetic vitamins and minerals are added. Although helpful, these synthetics are not as healthy as their natural counterparts. The amounts of vitamins returned in "enriched" flour are far less than the quantity that naturally occurs.
Processing takes many of the nutrients out of the nutrient rich foods. Processed foods are fortified with synthetics. Most of the pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin, cholin, inositol, vitamins B6 and E are discarded in the milling of breads and the refining of flour for cereals. To make up for the loss of nutrients during processing, synthetic vitamins and minerals are added. Although helpful, these synthetics are not as healthy as their natural counterparts. The amounts of vitamins returned in "enriched" flour are far less than the quantity that naturally occurs.
Much of the goodness is cooked or processed out of our foods. We do not benefit from the enzymes and nutrients the foods normally contain. The missing nutrients which allow illnesses to develop have been discarded in processing and refining foods. Research shows that disease produced by combinations of deficiencies can be corrected when all nutrients are supplied.
The most serious problem with processed foods is that they contain no enzymes.
Your body re-supplies enzymes by manufacturing them or by receiving them from an outside source. They come from raw foods - vegetables, fruits, and even meat. They can be converted for bodily needs.
When there aren't enough enzymes available on a daily basis, your body begins to cut back from various bodily functions. For instance, hair may become dry, nails may crack and skin may become dry - giving the appearance of an older person. Then more critically, the liver will not be able to handle the excretion of waste products.
Fifty percent of all enzymes burned by the body are used in digesting our food. When insufficient enzymes are available for the digestion process the body steals them from other organs. Evidence, the high number of indigestion aids sold and the fact that you get sleepy after a meal. The body is stealing energy (enzymes) from other bodily functions. Without these enzymes, due to the lack of them in the food we eat, the average person only digests about 30 to 70% of what they eat.
Processed foods and most all packaged foods do not contain live enzymes. When any food is heated over 112 degrees Fahrenheit, the live enzyme activity is destroyed.
The bottom line is that when we put foods that are void of adequate nutrition and void of any enzymes into our body, we eventually run down. The destruction of live enzymes does not permit our food to be thoroughly digested. Then our immune system becomes weakened, and we develop degenerative diseases.
Enzymes are high energy protein molecules that are essential for the digestion and absorption of food in the digestive tract. Apart from this, these enzymes are helpful in stimulating the brain, tissues, cells and organ repair and generating energy at cellular levels. Although these digestive enzymes act as catalyst for numerous biochemical reactions, but they do not alter themselves or get used in the process. The presence of these digestive enzymes in the body is quite beneficial.
Benefits Of Digestive enzymes:
1.Reduce the negative effects of fast foods.
Our bodies’ posses the natural capacity to produce enzymes and we also obtain them from different foods. The need to supplement the digestive enzymes is due to the fact that people eat rotten diets that contain fast food, fats, refined sugars, and calories. The consumption of these foods taxes the body and thus, needs extra help for the digestion of this mess.
2.Reduces the effects of ageing.
It is quite well known that the human body makes lesser enzymes as we age. Thus with ageing the body is able to process and digest less foods that we consume, which results in illness. Intake of these supplements can prevent the occurrence of illness.
3.Efficient working of stressed bodies.
When the body of humans is under stress due to an illness, pregnancy, ageing or other health problems, intake of enzyme supplements might help in efficient working of the body. It also facilitates the elimination of toxins from the body which it would otherwise not be able get rid off by itself.
4.Prevent the accumulation of toxins.
Although there are numerous enzymes aiding the process of digestion, but the main ones include protease for digesting proteins, amylase for digesting carbohydrates and lipase for digesting fats. Lack of the correct enzyme in apt quantity triggers illness by the buildup of toxic and undigested materials that are very harmful for the body. Intake of enzyme supplements help in preventing the accumulation of toxins, thus preventing the occurrence of many diseases.
5.Improves the immune system.
Studies show that intake of enzyme supplements help to boost up the immunity system of the body. Better digestion of foods results in improved metabolism, providing sufficient energy for the physical activities. Preventing the accumulation of toxins protects the body from many diseases, thus enhancing the immune system of the body.
6.Helps to treat digestive troubles.
Intake of digestive supplements aids in easing upset stomach, treat digestive problems and heartburn, thus improving the overall digestive process.
So whether you increase your digestive enzymes by supplements or fresh organic produce and meats, live well, live long and stay healthy.
There are forty nutrients that cannot be made in the body. They are essential fatty acid, 15 vitamins, 14 minerals, and 10 amino acids. Collectively these forty nutrients are spoken of as the body's requirements.
From these our bodies synthesized an estimated 10,000 different compounds essential to the maintenance of health. All the forty nutrients work together. Therefore, the lack of any one might result in the underproduction of hundreds of these essential compounds.
Processed foods contain refined sugar, unhealthy fats extra salt, and other flavor enhancers. Unhealthy chemical additives are added to foods so that they stay fresh longer such as MSG.
Processed foods can increase your body's level of homocysteine. (By the way, Omega 3 essential fatty acids has also been shown to reduce the levels of homocysteine.) You can also find out about Power Barley which delivers the needed B vitamins to turn the extra homocysteine to cysteine a substance the body needs to make glutathione which is the body's master anti-oxidant.
Processing takes many of the nutrients out of the nutrient rich foods.
Processed foods are fortified with synthetics. Most of the pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin, cholin, inositol, vitamins B6 and E are discarded in the milling of breads and the refining of flour for cereals. To make up for the loss of nutrients during processing, synthetic vitamins and minerals are added. Although helpful, these synthetics are not as healthy as their natural counterparts. The amounts of vitamins returned in "enriched" flour are far less than the quantity that naturally occurs.
Processing takes many of the nutrients out of the nutrient rich foods. Processed foods are fortified with synthetics. Most of the pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin, cholin, inositol, vitamins B6 and E are discarded in the milling of breads and the refining of flour for cereals. To make up for the loss of nutrients during processing, synthetic vitamins and minerals are added. Although helpful, these synthetics are not as healthy as their natural counterparts. The amounts of vitamins returned in "enriched" flour are far less than the quantity that naturally occurs.
Much of the goodness is cooked or processed out of our foods. We do not benefit from the enzymes and nutrients the foods normally contain. The missing nutrients which allow illnesses to develop have been discarded in processing and refining foods. Research shows that disease produced by combinations of deficiencies can be corrected when all nutrients are supplied.
The most serious problem with processed foods is that they contain no enzymes.
Your body re-supplies enzymes by manufacturing them or by receiving them from an outside source. They come from raw foods - vegetables, fruits, and even meat. They can be converted for bodily needs.
When there aren't enough enzymes available on a daily basis, your body begins to cut back from various bodily functions. For instance, hair may become dry, nails may crack and skin may become dry - giving the appearance of an older person. Then more critically, the liver will not be able to handle the excretion of waste products.
Fifty percent of all enzymes burned by the body are used in digesting our food. When insufficient enzymes are available for the digestion process the body steals them from other organs. Evidence, the high number of indigestion aids sold and the fact that you get sleepy after a meal. The body is stealing energy (enzymes) from other bodily functions. Without these enzymes, due to the lack of them in the food we eat, the average person only digests about 30 to 70% of what they eat.
Processed foods and most all packaged foods do not contain live enzymes. When any food is heated over 112 degrees Fahrenheit, the live enzyme activity is destroyed.
The bottom line is that when we put foods that are void of adequate nutrition and void of any enzymes into our body, we eventually run down. The destruction of live enzymes does not permit our food to be thoroughly digested. Then our immune system becomes weakened, and we develop degenerative diseases.
Enzymes are high energy protein molecules that are essential for the digestion and absorption of food in the digestive tract. Apart from this, these enzymes are helpful in stimulating the brain, tissues, cells and organ repair and generating energy at cellular levels. Although these digestive enzymes act as catalyst for numerous biochemical reactions, but they do not alter themselves or get used in the process. The presence of these digestive enzymes in the body is quite beneficial.
Benefits Of Digestive enzymes:
1.Reduce the negative effects of fast foods.
Our bodies’ posses the natural capacity to produce enzymes and we also obtain them from different foods. The need to supplement the digestive enzymes is due to the fact that people eat rotten diets that contain fast food, fats, refined sugars, and calories. The consumption of these foods taxes the body and thus, needs extra help for the digestion of this mess.
2.Reduces the effects of ageing.
It is quite well known that the human body makes lesser enzymes as we age. Thus with ageing the body is able to process and digest less foods that we consume, which results in illness. Intake of these supplements can prevent the occurrence of illness.
3.Efficient working of stressed bodies.
When the body of humans is under stress due to an illness, pregnancy, ageing or other health problems, intake of enzyme supplements might help in efficient working of the body. It also facilitates the elimination of toxins from the body which it would otherwise not be able get rid off by itself.
4.Prevent the accumulation of toxins.
Although there are numerous enzymes aiding the process of digestion, but the main ones include protease for digesting proteins, amylase for digesting carbohydrates and lipase for digesting fats. Lack of the correct enzyme in apt quantity triggers illness by the buildup of toxic and undigested materials that are very harmful for the body. Intake of enzyme supplements help in preventing the accumulation of toxins, thus preventing the occurrence of many diseases.
5.Improves the immune system.
Studies show that intake of enzyme supplements help to boost up the immunity system of the body. Better digestion of foods results in improved metabolism, providing sufficient energy for the physical activities. Preventing the accumulation of toxins protects the body from many diseases, thus enhancing the immune system of the body.
6.Helps to treat digestive troubles.
Intake of digestive supplements aids in easing upset stomach, treat digestive problems and heartburn, thus improving the overall digestive process.
So whether you increase your digestive enzymes by supplements or fresh organic produce and meats, live well, live long and stay healthy.
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