Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Are You Getting Enough Protein?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Why is protein important?

From hair to fingernails, protein is a major functional and structural component of all our cells. Protein provides the body with roughly 10 to 15 per cent of its dietary energy, and is needed for growth and repair.

Proteins are large molecules made up of long chains of amino acid subunits. Some of these amino acids are nutritionally essential as they cannot be made or stored within the body and so must come from foods in our daily diet.

Although all animal and plant cells contain some protein, the amount and quality of this protein can vary widely.

Animal protein

Protein from animal sources contains the full range of essential amino acids needed from an adult's diet. But red meat, in particular, should be eaten in limited amounts due to the high level of saturated fat it contains, which may raise blood levels of 'unhealthy' LDL cholesterol.

A high intake of saturated fat can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and other related disorders. As an alternative source of animal protein, choose poultry, fish and shellfish.

The 2007 World Cancer Research Fund report recommended meat eaters limit their consumption of red meat to no more than 500g a week, with very little processed meat, as these have both been linked to certain forms of cancer.

Fish is a good source of animal protein. Oil-rich fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, tuna, trout and sardines are all rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Shellfish is also a good source of protein and is low in fat.

Aim to eat a couple of portions of fish every week, with at least one portion being an oily fish.

Eggs contain all eight essential amino acids, making them a perfect source of protein. However, you'd have to eat at least eight eggs a day to get all the protein you need. Be sensible; include them as part of a balanced and varied diet.

How much is enough?

Health professionals suggest men should eat 55.5g protein a day and women 45g. In practical terms, eating a moderate amount of protein - in one or two meals every day – should give you all the protein you need. Most people in North America eat far more protein than they actually need.

Serving size

You should eat two to three servings of protein every day from both plant and animal sources. Here are some examples of one serving (about the size of a standard pack of playing cards):

100g boneless meat (eg lean beef, lamb or pork)

100g boneless poultry (eg chicken or turkey breast)

100g fish (eg salmon, sardines or tuna)

2 medium eggs

3 tablespoons of seeds (eg sunflower or pumpkin seeds)

3 tablespoons of nuts (eg almonds or walnuts)

Choosing the right protein

If you can, choose to eat low-fat protein foods as these will help to:

Keep your heart healthy

Keep cholesterol low

Minimise the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and other related disorders

Protein and weight management

High-protein diets are sometimes popular with people wanting to lose weight, and there have been many studies looking at the effect of such diets on weight loss.

Regardless of the composition of the diet, weight loss will only occur if you expend more energy through activity than your body produces from food.

Protein-rich foods tend to make people feel fuller than foods rich in carbohydrates or fat. This can have a knock-on effect on appetite, minimising feelings of hunger, and helping to reduce overall energy intake.

Diets rich in protein at the expense of carbohydrates, for example, have been associated with slightly greater losses of weight in the short term compared with the recommended high-carbohydrate, low-fat eating plans. But after one year, studies have found there is no difference in weight loss between the two diets.

To control your weight it's important to find an eating pattern that suits your lifestyle and that you can sustain over a long period.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Boost Your Immune System With Regular Exercise

Monday, May 17, 2010
The immune system, our body's ability to protect itself from foreign invaders such as viruses, disease and infection, can get a serious boost from exercise.

Your white blood cells are the small army within your blood that go to battle whenever a potential infection is introduced. It is important that your white blood cells are plentiful and fresh

If your immune system is weakened or diseased, then you need more help than exercise will give, but, a wide range of studies confirm that moderate exercise can help sustain and strengthen it, even when the effects are indirect.
Moderate, regular exercise helps the immune system by moderating the effects of stress. Lowered stress has a beneficial effect on your health. High, constant stress is detrimental to your health.

Most studies carried out over the last 25 years agree: a continual high level of stress has a number harmful effects on overall health. People who experience high stress get more colds, suffer more digestive tract problems and have more frequent bouts of fatigue. Part of the latter is indirect, since it tends to lead to lowered amounts of restful sleep.

Regular exercise helps relieve stress. It does so directly, by providing an outlet for, and consuming much of, the nervous energy produced by stress. It also helps indirectly by shifting one's focus away from the external factors producing the stress.

Exercise helps the cardiovascular system, improves blood flow, flushes away toxins from muscles and organs, and helps keep the kidneys and endocrine system working well. It helps remove germs and circulate antibodies.

All those promote a healthy immune system by lessening the body's susceptibility to disease, while increasing the strength of the immune system itself.

Exercising increases the body temperature slightly. This, as anyone who has suffered from a cold knows, is the body's natural response to colds, flu and other diseases. The increased temperature helps kill the infecting organisms.

Studies suggest that moderate exercise helps prevent colds as well. It showed that individuals are less likely to get sick after stressful situations when they had engaged in a regular program of moderate exercise. The secret is to exercise regularly.

Exercise programs, undertaken consistently and correctly, help improve body image - that's one of most individuals primary goals in making the effort, after all. That improved body image often leads to higher levels of confidence and relaxation in social situations. That in turn helps reduce stress and enhance the immune system.

Whether the effects are direct or indirect, exercising can help you support and enhance your immune system. That leads directly to better overall health.

Your immune system is also strengthened with good nutrition:

Vitamin C is a big-time immune booster

Vitamin E.
This important antioxidant and immune booster doesn't get as much press as vitamin C, yet it's important to a healthy immune system.

Beta carotene increases the number of infection-fighting cells, natural killer cells, and helper T-cells, as well as being a powerful antioxidant that mops up excess free radicals that accelerate aging.

A group of phytonutrients called bioflavenoids aids the immune system by protecting the cells of the body against environmental pollutants.

This valuable mineral increases the production of white blood cells that fight infection and helps them fight more aggressively.

This flavorful member of the onion family is a powerful immune booster that stimulates the multiplication of infection-fighting white cells, boosts natural killer cell activity, and increases the efficiency of antibody production.

Selenium. This mineral increases natural killer cells and mobilizes cancer-fighting cells.

Omega-3 fatty acids.
A study found that children taking a half teaspoon of flax oil a day experienced fewer and less severe respiratory infections and fewer days of being away from work.


Friday, May 14, 2010

Eat Well Stay Slim The French Way

Friday, May 14, 2010
The French Women Don't Get Fat Cookbook

With French Women Don’t Get Fat, Mireille Guiliano wrote the ultimate non–diet book on how to enjoy food and stay slim, sparking a worldwide publishing phenomenon. Now, in her first-ever cookbook, she provides her millions of readers with the recipes that are the cornerstone of her philosophy—mouthwatering, simply prepared dishes that favor fresh, seasonal ingredients and yield high satisfaction.


According to Mireille Guiliano, the rules of healthy, delicious eating come in threes:

Eat three proper meals – breakfast, lunch and supper – but don't snack in between. Limit carbohydrates and sugar (including fructose-laden fruit juice) at breakfast and don't skip lunch or you'll overeat at supper.

Make dinner a three course affair. Changing plates helps the meal last longer and feel more special, and the first and last course can be no more than a chopped tomato and a sliced pear.

Make sure the main course has three colours on the plate. It makes nutritional sense and "food should be enjoyed visually too", Guiliano says.

Include some protein, fat and carbohydrate in every meal.

Consider the three Ps – Pleasure, Portion and Plan. Enjoy your food, eating slowly, keep portion size sensible, bearing in mind that the first three mouthfuls are the most pleasurable. Exercise regularly and drink plenty of water.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Fountain of Youth Pill

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Medicines that can help people live healthy lives to 100 and beyond may be available in as little as two years, an expert said today.

The drugs have come out of research into age-related ailments such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer's.

To satisfy the requirements of drug regulators and the market they are billed as remedies for specific illnesses. But in actual fact they tackle multiple causes of unhealthy ageing, according to Professor Nir Barzilai, one of the world's leading age scientists.

Prof Barzilai's own work at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York has identified genetic variants that mark out people who live to a "ripe old age".

The new drugs build on these discoveries, which involve biological pathways affecting metabolism, cell-death, inflammation and cholesterol.

'Pharmaceutical companies are developing these drugs now,' said Prof Barzilai, who joined other experts at the Royal Society in London today for a discussion meeting on the science of ageing.

'They will probably be available for testing from 2012.'

A subsidiary of drug giant GlaxoSmithKline is looking at sirtuins, a family of enzymes associated with a whole range of age-related diseases including type 2 diabetes and cancers.

Another key drug target is an enzyme which affects levels of "good" cholesterol, or high-density lipoprotein (HDL).

Drugs that inhibit CETP are being developed by two other major pharmaceutical players, Merck and Roche.

A small Massachusetts biotech company, Proteostasis, is investigating a third pathway involving a the cell-growth chemical.

Although the initial aim is to develop a drug that combats Alzheimer's, the same pathway is thought to play a role in Parkinson's, motor neurone disease and Huntington's.

Yet another target is a protein called humanin which has links to the way insulin affects metabolism.

Research has shown that a few lucky people naturally possess such defences against the debilitating effects of ageing programmed into their genes.

People blessed with anti-ageing genes tend not to get seriously ill but die suddenly at the end of their lives, Prof Barzilai pointed out.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Preventing Premature Wrinkles

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Smoking can speed up the normal aging process of your skin, contributing to wrinkles. These skin changes may occur after only 10 years of smoking. The more cigarettes you smoke and the longer you smoke, the more skin wrinkling you're likely to have — even though the early skin damage from smoking may be hard for you to see.

And smoking doesn't cause wrinkles only on your face. Smoking also is associated with increased wrinkling and skin damage on other parts of your body, including your inner arms.

While the skin wrinkles may not be reversible, you can prevent worsening of wrinkling by quitting smoking now.

How does smoking lead to wrinkles? The nicotine in cigarettes causes narrowing of the blood vessels in the outermost layers of your skin. This impairs blood flow to your skin. With less blood flow, your skin doesn't get as much oxygen and important nutrients, such as vitamin A. Many of the over 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke also damage collagen and elastin, which are fibers that give your skin its strength and elasticity. As a result, skin begins to sag and wrinkle prematurely because of smoking.
In addition, repeated exposure to the heat from burning cigarettes and the facial expressions you make when smoking — such as pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out smoke — may contribute to wrinkles.

(Source: The Mayo Clinic)


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tips on Protecting Yourself From The Sun

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Protect Yourself From The Sun

You may feel that you look healthier with a tan, but the damage from tanning is too great for such a minimal benefit. Whether it is from the sun or tanning lamps, the damage is the same. Wrinkles, age spots, and possibly cancer are inevitable consequence of tanning. It's just about as bad as smoking. The following list provides some useful tips to enjoy the benefits of sunshine whilst minimizing health risks.

1. Avoid unnecessary sun exposure, especially between 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., the sun’s peak hours.

2. Make sure to apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and make sure to apply it at least 15 minutes before going outdoors. It should be reapplied every two to three hours and after going swimming or participating in activities where you may sweat excessively.

3. Men are notorious for not wanting to wear sunscreen because they don’t like the way it feels, or they perceive it to be greasy. For both men and women who fall into these categories, sprays or gels can be utilized. The higher alcohol content in these products is often more tolerable than creams or lotions.

4. Apply sunscreen even if you’re wearing makeup with sun protection. Studies show that a foundation’s sun protective value lasts only about two hours.

5. The so-called "physical blockers" such as zinc and titanium tend to offer the best protection against both UVB and UVA, the forms of solar radiation that damage skin the most. While many people think these types of creams as white and pasty, zinc and titanium can now be found in sunscreens that go on clear.

6. Wear wraparound sunglasses with 100 percent UV protection. Try to stay away from mirrored sunglasses because they intensify the sun’s rays which can ultimately damage your eyes. Occular melanoma is rare but quite nasty.

7. Clothing provides very little protection from extended stays in the sun. The American Academy of Dermatology provides information on its Web site for obtaining semi-stylish clothing which confers an SPF of 30 or greater. This is great for boaters, anglers or individuals with a history of multiple skin cancers. Also, rash guards, (neoprene garments worn by surfers), can be excellent means of sun protection, especially for patients who are outdoors in the water for extended periods.

8. Some prescription medications, such as acne treatments and birth control pills, increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun. If you’re taking these medications, increase your sun protection.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Defy the Signs of Aging with Chinese Herbs

Monday, May 10, 2010
Fo-Ti is a traditional Chinese herbal remedy derived from the root of polygonum multiflorum, a climbing plant native to China, now also widely grown in Taiwan and Japan. It is available in two forms: as unprocessed white Fo-Ti and processed red Fo-Ti, the red variety being considered the stronger of the two.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, fo-ti is one of the herbs used to nourish the heart and calm the spirit. Do not however go to a Chinese herbalist and ask for fo-ti, for you will get only a curious look. The Chinese know the plant root as he-shou-wu. Over the centuries he-shou-wu's reputation has bordered on the mythical for its power to produce longevity, increase vigour, and promote fertility

The literal English translation of Fo-Ti is "vine to pass through the night." With a distinctive sweet yet bitter taste, fo-ti was thought to unblock the channels of energy through the body, allowing the escape of the pathogenic influences that cause generalized weakness, soreness, pain, and fatigue. The plant is also used as a wash for itching and skin rashes.

Fo-Ti has been used in China for thousands of years as a longevity tonic under the name He Shou Wu (black haired Mr. He). This name refers to the 9th century legend of an old villager named Mr. He who took Fo-Ti and restored his black hair, youthful appearance and vitality and managed to father his first children at the age of 60. He lived to 130, maintaining his black hair.
Other health benefits attributed to Fo-Ti root include its ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the bloodstream and thus protect against heart diseases; its ability to rejuvenate endocrine glands, which strengthens the body; its anti-cancer properties, sedative effects and ability to improve mental health; plus its ability to enhance the memory and beneficial effects on female fertility.


Friday, May 7, 2010

How Cycling Helps You Stay Young And Healthy

Friday, May 7, 2010
Riding a bicycle is a very good physical activity. During childhood it may have been a fun activity which everyone enjoys a lot with their friends but it is very important to continue this activity even during adult age. Cycling is a very good workout and contributes to the overall fitness of your body.

At the same time it saves lots of fuel, money and reduces pollution. You can ride your bike to commute to your office or to go to market to buy any goods which saves lots of fuel and will help you in keeping yourself fit and healthy. It's good for the planet also.

Health Benefits of riding a bicycle:

• It helps in losing weight. It is a very helpful exercise for those who want to stay fit and healthy.

• Cycling also helps in improving the metabolism level of our body.

• Cycling helps in toning of upper thigh muscles, backside muscles and calf muscles. It is advisable to start with some short distance and then gradually increases. It will not only build up your stamina but will also trim down your waistline and will give you a more toned look. Cycling also reduces the stress level and depression. It also controls the blood pressure and at the same time helps in reducing cholesterol.

• Cycling is also very beneficial for cancer and diabetes patients. It makes you breathe deeper which increases the body temperature thus giving you relief. Cycling also helps in providing proper balance and coordination. It makes you more alert and helps in increasing concentration level.

• Cycling also helps in preventing cardiovascular diseases and reduces the risk of various heart diseases and diabetes. It is a very good workout for your heart, lungs and blood vessels thus reducing the chance of any heart problems. In the end it is very important to buy a right kind of bicycle which can fulfill all your needs. So do your homework and then purchase a suitable bicycle so that you can get maximum benefit from it.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Stay Young and Healthy with Cinnamon and Honey

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Health Benefits of Cinnamon and Honey

These old home remedies have been used for generations by various cultures.

1. Arthritis relief
A paste should be made from one part honey and two parts of luke warm water added with a small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. This paste should be massaged on the itching part of the body and the pain should recede within fifteen minutes in most cases.

2. Pattern Baldness
For hair loss or baldness, indviduals can apply a paste made out of hot olive oil, one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder. This should be applied before they take bath and keep it for approximately 15 minutes. After that they can wash it off with luke warm water

A paste made of one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and five teaspoons of honey when applied on the aching tooth (may be done 3 times a day) reduces the pain within a matter of 15 minutes.

4. Lowering Cholesterol
Take two tablespoons of honey, three teaspoons of cinnamon powder and mix in 16 ounces of tea, when given to a cholesterol patient, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10% within 2 hours. Pure honey is also sometimes used with food to check cholesterol.

5. Relief from the Common Cold
For those who are suffering from common or severe colds, they should take one tablespoon of luke warm honey with 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold and clear the sinuses.

6. Infertility
Various ancient cultures been using honey for years in medicine to strengthen the semen of men. Two tablespoons of honey before they go to sleep is what is prescribed by many experienced practitioners. This combination will work wonders for women as well. In China, Japan and other Asian countries, if the women who do not conceive, and or if their uterus is weak, then they have been prescribed cinnamon powder. Women who cannot conceive may take a pinch of cinnamon powder in half a teaspoon of honey, and apply it on the gums frequently throughout the day, so that it slowly mixes with the saliva and enters the body.

7. Upset Stomach
Honey taken with cinnamon powder may also help in curing stomach ache. For people who are suffering from gas problems, honey should be taken with cinnamon powder in equal quantities, relieves gas and pain in the stomach.

8. Boost the immune system
The daily intake of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacterial and viral attacks. Researchers have found that honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts and its use strengthens the white blood cells.

9. Slows Down Aging
Ancient cultures used Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder for longevity. 4 spoons of honey, 1 spoon of cinnamon powder and 3 cups of water are boiled to make this tea. The prescribed amount is to drink 1/4 cup, 3 times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and slows down old age.

10.Weight Loss
Drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup water first thing in the morning (empty stomach). If taken regularly it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also drinking of this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body, even though the person may eat a high calorie diet. Weight loss can be due to different reasons. Some people do over dieting to reduce weight which affects their body’s immune system. Losing weight is fine but that should not be at the expense of harsh dieting and skipping your vitamins and minerals. You can alwayslose weight naturally.

Disclaimer: These tips should not be used for self treatment. It is strongly suggested consulting a doctor for regular medicines. These can be used as supplementary medicines.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Common symptoms of aging are loss of strength, energy and fitness. When you get older, you might have difficulty walking long distances, climbing stairs, or carrying groceries

But those problems are due largely to a lack of physical activity.

If you want to maintain (or improve) your physical and mental health and quality of life as you get older, become more physically active. It is one of the most important things you can do.

Physical fitness plays an important role in how we age and feel. No one is too old to enjoy the benefits of regular physical activity.

The benefits from physical activities:

1. Slows down arterial aging: arterial aging is associated with heart disease, stroke, memory loss, impotence, decay in orgasm quality, even wrinkling of the skin.

2. Boost your immune system: that’s associated with infections and cancer, even autoimmune disease such as many forms of arthritis. Drink ginseng tea.

3. Avoid accidents and disability as a result of accidents.

Lack of activity can cause obesity. Obesity can increase the risk of health complications. It’s the side effects of obesity that are so great a risk. High blood pressure, sleep apnea, arthritis and diabetes.

One of the major benefits of physical activity is that it can help you to continue to live independently. In addition, regular physical activity can prevent and even improve chronic conditions. It reduces the risk of heart disease, falls and injuries, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, stroke, and depression. Regular physical activity will allow you to move with fewer aches and pains, give you more energy, and improve your balance. Here are some physical activities you can start with:

Endurance: These are activities that increase your breathing and heart rate. A moderate amount of physical activity is 30 minutes of an activity that makes you breathe harder. If you can't be active for 30 minutes all at once, do 10 minutes of activity in at a time and do 3 times a day.

Strength: A major reason people lose muscle is because they stop doing everyday activities that use muscle power. Age has very little to do with it. Do strengthening activities that challenge all your muscles 2-4 days a week. You can lift weights. Carry the laundry or groceries, or play golf at a walking course. Walk the stairs instead of the elevator. Do wall push-ups. Start your strengthening activities slowly, but challenge your muscles.

Balance: Practice balancing. For example, stand on one foot, then the other, without holding onto anything for support. Stand up from sitting in a chair without using your hands or arms.
Flexibility: Stretching activities help you to move more easily. All major muscle groups should be stretched every day. It is also very important to remember to stretch for 5 minutes before and after any type of physical activity to reduce the risk of injury.

You've got to make time to do exercise. Find time to exercise everyday. You can do it when you are watching TV and have fun doing it. Make it an enjoyable part of life.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

10 Best Foods for Your Skin

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Forget the expensive "anti-aging" creams ... Eat your way to healthy vibrant skin!

1. Low fat yogurt …

Low fat dairy products are full of vitamin A. This essential vitamin does wonders for our skin. If you have a thyroid problem or diabetes that’s another reason for you to stock up on organic law fat yogurts!

2. Berries …

Choose plums, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries These berries have a great antioxidant capacity which means – the more of these we have, the longer our skin will look youthful and healthy!

3. Salmon …

Our skin needs essential fatty acids. If fish isn’t your thing, try walnuts, flax seed or canola oil. All these will give you an amazing result! Omega 3 and Omega 6 may sound like planets on Star Trek, but these fatty acids are a must for a beautiful, well moisturized skin.

4. Green tea …

This drink contains polyphenols which have anti-inflammatory characteristics. And despite what they say, a good tea will not dehydrate your body, it will only work as an anti-oxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent that’ll keep bacteria at bay and will fight off those free radicals that make our skin age early.

5. Water …

Good hydration is our skin’s best friend, right? And I’m talking about good bottled or filtered water in its purest form and not sodas or energy drinks. So ensure that you’re getting at least 8 glasses of water for your healthy skin.

6. Avocados …

Avocado is rich in B-complex vitamins and essential oils and works like an anti-inflammatory agent. It also soothes skin that is red, irritated or blotchy. You can even mix it with yogurt and berries to add some flavor!

7. Mangoes …

Lots of vitamin A is in store with this skin do-gooder! This fruit will repair your skin cells so that your skin doesn’t look flaky. It has only 70 calories per serving so it’s ideal for your weight management program as well.

8. Almonds …

Vitamin E helps to moisturize your skin from within. It also protects your skin from damage and premature aging. Eating almonds can help your facial tissue stay in its best shape for years!

9. Cottage cheese …

Apart from calcium, cottage cheese is great for selenium and it’s an essential mineral for a youthful, glowing skin.

10. Melon ...

Melons are low-sugar fruits and help to make skin firm and taut. It’s important to avoid high-sugar foods, including high-sugar fruits like pineapple and banana. “[Foods with a lot of sugar] cause your blood sugar to rise, which makes insulin come into your system and sets off a chain of hormonal reactions.”


Monday, May 3, 2010

Why a good night's sleep may be the key to staying young and healthy

Monday, May 3, 2010
Getting a good night's sleep could be a lifesaver.

Those of us who manage between six and eight hours of shut-eye a night are more likely to live longer and have better health, research has found.

Studies indicate the best length for a nightly sleep is around seven hours - the time spent in bed by most North Americans..

Their findings provide the most convincing evidence yet of a link between too little sleep and an increased risk of early death.

Around one third of the Canadian adult population regularly sleeps five hours or less a night.

Researchers studied the nightly habits of thousands of people and found poor sleepers are 12 per cent more likely to die prematurely than those who get six to eight hours.

Long sleepers could also be in trouble if they regularly exceed nine hours a night.

While over-sleeping does not in itself increase the risk of death, it can be a significant marker of an underlying serious illness.

The findings published in the journal "Sleep Today" coincide with the release of a new American study that found older people tend to sleep better - the opposite of what was previously thought.