Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Wednesday, November 4, 2015



Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday, October 30, 2015
Eucalyptus Oil Benefits

Image result for eucalyptus oil

Today, eucalyptus oil uses have a broad range of health benefits including:
1. Colds & Flu 
Eucalyptus works as an expectorant and helps cleanse your body of toxins and harmful micro-organisms that can make you feel sick. One of the most effective ways to utilize eucalyptus for colds is to drop several drops of the essential oil into your diffuser before going to sleep so you can take advantage of the healing benefits all night long.
For more acute situations, you can make a steam bath by pouring a cup of boiling water into a bowl, and then mix 10 drops of eucalyptus EO, place a towel over your head and inhale deeply for five–10 minutes.
2. Hair Nourishment 
A few drops eucalyptus oil with some coconut or olive oil gives your hair a nice moisturizing pick-me-up. This is especially great to ward off dandruff and an itchy scalp. Also, eucalyptus is used as a natural remedy for lice in replacement of chemical treatments.
3. Hand Cleaner 
Eucalyptus EO is an excellent cleanser to remove grease and grime from your workday and can rejuvenate sore hands and feet when mixed into your salt bath. Simply mix sea salt, epsom salt and eucalyptus oil to remove grease and dirt for good.
4. Sinus and Allergies 
A study from NYU Medical School found that using eucalyptus was effective at treatingsinusitis. Patients experienced faster improvement when supplementing with eucalyptus oil for allergies and sinus issues. The study had participants take eucalyptus oil internally, and it’s also recommended to gargle with it to clear the throat.
5. Natural Home Care  
Not only does eucalyptus give a nice, fresh fragrance to your home products, but it adds vital anti-microbial properties as well. You can’t go wrong putting several drops into pretty much everything: soap, laundry detergent, mop water, toilet cleaner, window cleaner … the list goes on!
6. Odor Remover  
Whether you’re battling smelly shoes or a stinky dog bed, topically wash items to remove odors with a wet rag soaked in eucalyptus oil-infused water, and place outside to dry in the sun. This can prevent odors as well as keep the shape intact! You may also mix it with lemon oil or tea tree oil for an anti-stink spray.
7. Air Cleanser
Try putting a few drops into your vacuum and clothes dryer filters to freshen them up and sanitize them a little. Also, it’s great for killing mold in your home, and you can mix eucalyptus with other oils like clove and tea tree oil to cleanse the air and maintain a mold-free home.
8. Spot Remover 
Like lemon essential oil, eucalyptus oil is highly effective at removing spots on your carpet, clothes and basically every fabric you have in the house. It even works to get gum off your shoes! Make sure to “test” it on an inconspicuous place first just to make sure the oil doesn’t react strangely with the material you treat. You just don’t know what’s in the synthetic materials nowadays!
9. Respiratory Problems 
Eucalyptus essential oil is highly effective for treating respiratory problems, such asasthma, bronchitis, COPD, pneumonia and even tuberculosis. Using eucalyptus for asthma is a proven treatment that dilates the blood vessels and allows more oxygen into the lungs. Simply mix eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil and coconut oil for a Homemade Vapor Rub, and put on upper chest.
10. Wound Treatment 

Eucalyptus oil has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties that are effective at treating wounds, burns, cuts, abrasions, sores and scrapes. It also can be made into a salve or healing ointment and put on bug bites and stings. Along with acting as a natural pain reliever to the area, it also keeps the area from getting infected, which speeds healing.


Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday, October 19, 2015

The Humble Onion - Natural Health Remedies

You can heal almost everything with an onion
This statement is maybe exaggerating, but the truth is that the onion can do wonders when it comes to our health and how many diseases it can treat. It is amazing thing just how many folk and home remedies are including onion. Remedies for fevers, burns, warts and even cancer are including onion in their prescriptions.
Medicinal qualities of the onion
The quercetin is a flavonoid and is the main reason why onions are included in so many folk remedies. The red onions are including the highest amounts of quercetin and it can be found mostly on the part closest to the root and in its external rings which are nearest to the skin. Also the white and yellow onions are recommended in some home remedies. Quercetin has potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and anti-cholesterol properties. Onions also have the ability to eliminate the toxins from our bodies, thanks to the strong antibiotic properties. You should use them in their raw form in order to get all of their medicinal benefits.
Important note: If you intend to use food as medicine, you should use food that has been grown organically and locally. The onions that you can find in the markets aren’t grown organically and have traveled long distance which surely decreases their nutritional value. Keep in mind that the organic, locally grown onions will be the best for your homemade remedies.
  1. Onions are helpful against the cold
You have probably heard that the onions are very effective against colds. You can eat whole raw onion after the first symptom of cold or drink a tea from boiled onion with ginger and honey. While eating raw onion you will cleanse your sinuses at the same moment and the onion tea works like potent antibiotic elixir that calms painful throat.
  1. Onions are helpful against fever
Maybe it is a little bit strange to treat fever with an onion, but the people who tried it are very confident in it. In order to reduce high fever, you should do the following:
* Place grated potatoes, grated onions and a hint of minced garlic in a pair of socks.
* Wear those socks
* Apply a towel macerated in apple cider vinegar on your forehead.
Your temperature will surely decrease in the next hour.
  1. Onions are helpful against cough
In order to treat cough you should prepare the following recipe:
* Strip off one large onion and cut it in half
* Cover the tops of the halves with ½ tablespoons of brown sugar
* Leave it to rest for one hour and then collect the syrupy contents from the dish.
* Take it twice in a day.
The brown sugar draws out the medicinal juice of the onion and makes the syrup more acceptable. Many people are avoiding the cough syrups. The people who used this syrup claim that it is very helpful, natural and inexpensive.
You can also drink the juice of an onion mixed with honey. The honey will calm your cough while the onion juice is a potent antibiotic.
  1. Onions for earaches and wax build up
Have you ever felt a pain in your ear? Or maybe you had wax accumulated inside? In case you are suffering from these problems you should put an onion in your ear. You should put the inner most portion, known as the heart of the onion. Do it before sleeping. In the morning you will feel better because of the anti-inflammatory characteristics of the onion. The ear wax will be easier to remove thanks to the onion juice.
  1. Onions to remove an eye irritant
You know that the onion will make you cry like no one else. This makes it great for removing some irritant out of your eye when the tears will start to flow. Your eye shouldn’t come in contact with the onion because it will make the things even worse.
  1. Onions to heal a cut
Many people are running to their first aid kit for a band aid and some medicated ointment every time they get a cut. But, you can also take one onion and slice it in a half. Then apply its juice on your cut which will disable any infection. Then use the translucent onion skin and apply it over the cut in order to cover it. The bleeding will stop very soon and you will keep your cut protected. In case your cut is larger, you should put small gauze to fix the onion skin in place. You should change the onion skin twice a day until you cure your cut.
  1. Onion juice to heal surgical wounds
Not only it can cure small cuts, the onion is effective in healing some larger incisions too. The onion continues to amaze us with its healing benefits. You probably couldn’t imagine that an onion will heal you quicker in hospital than a heap of drugs could. No one can understand why the hospitals and the conventional medicine have not
accepted the natural remedies like this. This is because the medications are more profitable than onions.
This remedy is simple and powerful. All you need to do is to rub an onion on your incision and you will be surprised by the results. The body will heal the wound quicker with the help of the antibiotic and anti-inflammatory characteristics of the onion without using any drugs. You will prevent the appearing of scars too.
  1. Onions are helpful for removing infection
If you suffer from infected cut, insect bite or cellulitis, you should try the following onion paste:
* Boil some milk and pour it on a thin slice of white bread
* Chop an onion on the top of the bread
* Mash it and make a paste
* Clean the affected place well
* Put the paste on the affected place
* Be still and leave the paste to stiffen and draw out the infection.
You shouldn’t break the seal. In just several hours the infection will begin to come out of your body. Do this procedure twice in a day until the infection is gone.
  1. Onions to heal a burn
In case you have burnt yourself while cooking, you should use an onion. All you need to do is to cut it on a half and apply it on your burned place for two minutes. The onion will calm and heal your burn. In order to enhance the healing you should beat some egg whites and put them on the burned place and allow it to form a protective layer. Then cover it with gauze. Clean the burnt place and replace the gauze when it is needed. You will be amazed how quick your burn will be cured. The chances of appearing some scar are reduced to minimum.
  1. Onion to soothe bee stings and other insect bites
In case you are stung by a bee or wasp, you should first take off the stinger by scraping over your skin with your nails or credit card. Do not compress it with your nails because it will only release more venom into your body. When the stinger is removed you should apply a little bit of fine chopped or crumpled white onion. Because of the onion’s potent anti-inflammatory characteristics the swelling will be decreased. The onions are also acting like a natural antihistamine.


Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Tuesday, June 23, 2015


The number of middle-aged women with condition linked to high-heeled shoes doubles in the last ten years

  • The condition is thought to be caused by years of wearing high heels
  • Women are up to ten times more likely than men to suffer the condition
  • Sufferers say symptoms include pain akin to 'walking on razor blades' 

The number of middle-aged women suffering from a painful condition linked with wearing high heels has more than doubled in ten years.
Cases of Morton’s neuroma have risen by 115 per cent since 2004 among women aged 40 to 69, according to figures from the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
Women are up to ten times more likely than men to suffer from the condition, which is thought to be caused by years of wearing high-heeled or ill-fitting shoes.
The number of middle-aged women suffering from a painful condition linked with wearing high heels has more than doubled in ten years.
'Morton’s neuroma is a historically well documented, but poorly understood phenomenon that can be tackled in a few different ways.
'We have known for a long time that the condition seems to predominantly affect females of a middling age, with speculation that high heels and other such tightly fitting and unnatural footwear - despite looking fabulous, I’m sure - may play a role.' 
Other treatment options include special insoles and steroid injections.
Sometimes surgery will involve complete removal of the compressed nerve, leaving the patient with no feeling between the affected toes. 


Saturday, December 29, 2012


Saturday, December 29, 2012
I strongly believe that many ailments are directly attributable to our modern diet and processed foods.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Acid Reflux is No Joke

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Five Things You Should Know About Acid Reflux

1. Acid reflux occurs when stomach contents flow back into the esophagus.

Food, acid, bile and other secretions back up into the esophagus instead of going out the duodenum, the short portion of the small intestine that connects to the stomach. The problem might be a faulty lower esophageal sphincter (the gatelike mechanism that opens and closes to help us swallow). Or stomach ulcers or tumours may be to blame.

2. Acid reflux is more common among the overweight and those over 40.

The mechanism that prevents acid reflux deteriorates as you age. Excess weight puts extra pressure on the stomach and diaphragm, forcing open the lower esophageal sphincter and allowing stomach contents to back up into the esophagus.

Acid reflux is also more common among females. Women who are pregnant may be at increased risk because of the greater pressure being put on the stomach and a higher

production of the hormone progesterone, which relaxes the esophageal sphincter.

3. Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol may increase your chances of getting acid reflux.

These habits tend to relax the lower esophageal sphincter. Other risk factors include:

• drinking coffee and eating mints after a meal (again, they relax the esophageal sphincter);

• eating fatty foods (since it takes the stomach longer to digest fat, the emptying of the stomach is delayed, causing stomach acid to build up and back up into the esophagus); and

• lying down soon after eating

4. Lifestyle changes are the most effective way to reduce – even eliminate – acid reflux.

Here are some tips to do that:

• If you're obese, lose weight.

• Control your intake of caffeine and alcohol.

• Eliminate other heartburn triggers (common ones include fried foods, spicy foods, garlic, onions, tomatoes, peppermints, chocolate and carbonated beverages).

• Wear loose-fitting clothes to reduce pressure on your abdomen.

• Avoid bending over for long periods soon after eating.

• Wait at least two hours after eating before going to bed, and try elevating the head of the bed about four to six inches.

• Don't smoke, not even an occasional after-dinner puff.

5. Check with your doctor if you have persistent acid reflux symptoms.

Chronic reflux can lead to changes in the lining of the esophagus that, in rare cases, can become cancerous, says Cohen. He adds that if you've had reflux symptoms for five years, or you're 45 or older and had a recent onset of persistent acid reflux, you should speak with your doctor about undergoing a gastroscopy (an easy examination of the inside of the stomach using a thin flexible tube equipped with a tiny light and camera).

Get relief

A range of over-the-counter medications are available for the symptomatic relief of occasional acid reflux. They include:

• Antacids, such as Tums, Rolaids, Maalox, Gaviscon and Gastrocote, neutralize stomach acid but won't heal the damage it causes. Overuse can cause diarrhea or constipation. Also, the bismuth in Pepto-Bismol can turn the tongue and stool black.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Avoid Back Pain by Strengthening Your Core Muscles

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Causes of Back Pain
Being overweight is a common cause of neck or back pain. Excess weight forces the vertebrae and the intervertebral discs of the spine to support more bulk than they’re intended to, sometimes leading to muscle strain or injury. Additionally, our intervertebral discs tend to deteriorate as we age, which means that our body struggles even more to support added weight the older we get. There are situations for which people can't do much about their back pain. Whether it's genetic or because of a trauma such as an auto accident, strengthening muscles will only help to a degree if you deal with spinal stenosis, degenerative disks, or osteoporosis.

Even so, the abdominal and lower back muscles support the spine. The problem is those muscles become weak as we age. The good news is that strengthening those core muscle groups in the abdominal area and lower back has positive effects. The goal is to get those core muscles working to stabilize and support the spine which promotes movement and reduces pain.
Working with a physical therapist so that you exercise correctly, and swimming in a heated pool with weights will help. Exercise combined with better body mechanics can lessen the strain. Also avoid spending long periods of time sitting in slumped positions. Think about that when you're watching TV, playing cards, or working on your computer.

Lie on your back with your knees bent. Place your palms on your upper thighs with your elbows close to your body. Your shoulders should be relaxed. Use your abdominal muscles to push your thighs against the palms of your hands. Count to 5 each time breathing normally and repeat 10 times. I find this one difficult to do but I do put in a lot of effort in the abs and that's good.

This exercise is easier for me. Get on your hands and knees with your hands about shoulder width apart and knees about hip wide. Keep your back straight and level and your neck in line with your back. Draw your abdominal muscles in towards your spin without arching your back. Hold for the count of 10 while breathing normally. Repeat 5 times.

These should help but also talk to your doctor if your back pain becomes worse and isn't relieved by changing position or resting. It doesn't happen very often but back pain may be caused by an infection or disease such as cancer. It's worth the time to cross that off your list.

Be well, stay young and healthy.